Izabela Bednarz

Board Member of BPG Consulting Sp. z o.o. Tax advisor and manager of the tax department. As a tax advisor for many years she has gained much experience. She specializes in the field of tax on goods, services tax and income tax, as well as international tax law. She also has extensive experience in representing clients before tax authorities and administrative courts.
contact us
BPG Polska Audyt Sp. z o.o.
ul. Bonifraterska 17
PL 00-203 Warsaw
Telefon: +48-22 419 91 50


+48-22 419 91 51
KRS: 0000138828
REGON: 015273887
NIP: 521-32-18-725
Share capital 200.000 PLN
e-mail: bpg-warszawa@bpg.pl
Internet: www.bpg.pl
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